A #MorrisonsMum post: The i'm cheaper experience
Thanks to Morrisons and Britmums I was chosen to be a part of the #MorrisonsMum / #MorrisonsDad project to help promote their recent 'I'm Cheaper'campaign, permanent price drops on thousands of every...
View ArticleThe Five Product Face Challenge
The Lovely Laura from Petitmoi-bigworld has tagged me to partake in the five product face challenge. I'm quite lazy really and make-up isn't part of my daily routine, I tend to only wear it if i'm...
View ArticleWhen the emotions are bigger than the child.
As an adult I think we're often guilty of neglecting to acknowledge the immensity and complexity of emotions that young children experience. For some absurd reason we seem to assume that until they...
View ArticleWe're all in this together.
It's not often I'm moved to write about the latest online drama llamas, yet for this I will make exception. Recently the popular parenting site known as Parentdish published an article by one of their...
View ArticleBreastfeeding in public.
One thing that crops up again and again is the topic breastfeeding in public. The thing is, I'm not actually sure as to why certain people are so horrifyingly offended by it. Breasts are biologically...
View ArticleWhat's in a bump?
If you're pregnant now, have been in the past or really want to be you'll not have escaped the bump mafia. Once upon a time, pregnant woman took candid photos of themselves throughout their pregnancy...
View ArticleWhy the last few weeks matter
Unless you've had a history of premature labour, the majority of woman wish to avoid going overdue like the plague. Yes we're blessed, grateful and happy and on cloud fucking nine to be pregnant but...
View ArticleFather's Day Giveaway! with Hotel Chocolat
With Father's Day just around the corner, what better way to treat a Dad in your life than with an indulgent gift kindly provided by the lovely people at Hotel Chocolat! This giveaway is to win a...
View ArticleYou're only pregnant, not disabled. Right?
It would seem there is very little gray area in how pregnant woman are treated, the pregnancy is either totally ignored with no extra regard to how the woman is treated or else they're treated as if...
View ArticleAll Apologies
The problem with being online when pregnant is that you're not allowed to be unhappy; because of the precious gift you are carrying.There's so many woman out there desperate to have a baby. It...
View ArticleSponsor a bag for Breast Cancer patients.
For those who haven't read the blog before, I'm craft inept. As in totally and absolutely. However, I've met online many people who are far from being inept, one of these people is my friend...
View ArticleThe one about weaning from breastfeeding.
The Preschooler was popping in and out of the house helping The Husband when I hear a blood curdling howl. Agony or not, I run as does The Husband. We almost sandwich The Preschooler who's crying his...
View Article'The Perfect Storm'
The image posted on Twitter by Oxfam Photo: @oxfamgbIt would appear that the fascist regime that is our current government is hitting a new low. Tories are currently blasting the charity Oxfam for...
View ArticleBecky and Lolo Scroll Tree Wall Stickers Review
Recently The Husband started the task of rearranging The Spawn's bedrooms. At the age of four and with Moomin due in two months it's time for The Preschooler to move out of my room/bed to make room...
View ArticleLike record baby, right right, round round.
I hear the silence. I try to fill it but the words went away.So instead I'll post something from, my personal journal that pretty much sums it up.I’ve not written for a while and yet it was not...
View ArticleTen long years
It would be a crime to let today pass without at least some small mention. June marks 14 years since The Husband and I met. This time last week, I turned 34. This day ten years ago, The Husband and...
View ArticleSummer baby.
In the earlier days of Pregnancy when people clock you're knocked up they ask 'When's it due?' yet you know you're reaching the finishing line when the question changes to 'How long have you got left?'...
View ArticlePanic Room.
The problem with anxiety is it's irrationality, at times. You worry about things that have happened and about things that haven't. You worry about things that are happening and things that aren't....
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